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Being Good Stewards 

of our time, talents, and treasure

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We Give

To belong to our congregation is to be a steward. Some may say that “stewardship” is just a polite way of referring to financial giving to the church. But it’s far more than that.

One character in some of Jesus’ parables is the steward — the servant charged by the master to care for the master’s property. It is the master, not the steward, who owns the property, but the steward is responsible for it and is accountable to the master. So it is, said Jesus, between God and us. As God’s stewards we have three responsibilities:

  • Receiving: We receive with joyful thanksgiving the many gifts that God showers upon us — time, talent, treasure, our bodies, our friendships, natural resources, and the beauty around us.

  • Managing: We take good care of what we have received. We manage these resources wisely — for our own good and the good of others.

  • Giving: Out of our gratitude in receiving so abundantly, we want to share with others. Let’s look at four kinds of gifts that we receive, manage, and share:


    The above text is quoted from Stewardship page of United Methodist Church website, .


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