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Who we are.


We are a warm, friendly congregation, that wants to be your new church family.  When you come to BCUMC, it's like coming home.  We are small but growing church that is excited to embrace you, invest in you and your faith development.  We welcome the seeker, the new believer, the lost sheep, and the cradle Christian.  Sunday Worship Services At BCUMC offer a blend of traditional and contemporary music, scripturally based messages relevant to our lives, and a family friendly environment. An 8 am traditional service is currently held in the overflow chapel one Sunday per month when our 10 AM service  features our Contemporary Praise Band.  The 10 am service features a children's message and offers the option of children's church to children between the ages of 4 and 12 September through May.  This is a very exciting time for us.  We feel that we have the best of tradition while being open for change. We would love for you to be a part of our adventure.

Who we were.

Barts Centenary United Methodist Church is part of the Altoona District of United Methodist Churches and also part of the larger Susquehanna Conference.  It is actually a coming together of two congregations - Barts United Methodist Church and Centenary United Methodist Church.  In 1991 these two came together as one charge and became the first blended congregation in the then Central Pennsylvania Conference.


Click here for more details about our history....  

Who we are striving to become.

We are looking forward to ways in which we can be a bridge between the modern family and the Christian Faith. We are seeking ways God may be calling us to become a "Church without Walls"; one which really does bring The Heart of God into the  Heart of Our Community.    We are continually seeking new ways to reach out in love to those who don't know Jesus Christ and are missing out on a life abundant with the peace, joy, and grace of Jesus Christ; a life full of purpose and contentment in God; a life filled with the inspiration and confidence of the Holy Spirit.  

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